religious controversies of Salem Witch Trials


The Salem witch trials were a series of court proceedings to determine whether or not accused individuals were guilty or innocent of witchcraft. Several young girls, beginning with Betty Parris and Abigail Williams began having fits of screaming and contorting their bodies. No physical or medical evidence was ever found as the culprit for these fits. Since Betty, Abigail, and many other young girls in different counties could find no reason for their fits, they accused neighbors, servants, and many others of afflicting them with witchcraft. These initial allegations were the start of what we now refer to as the Salem witch trials.


                        What the Salem Witch trials are about.

The Salem witch trials that occurred in 1692-1693, in Suffolk, Essex, and Middlesex counties in the Massachusetts Colony were brought on by group hysteria, jealousy, and property disputes. More than a dozen of the convicted were hanged based on unreliable evidence from female children who were likely bored and jealous of those they accused. Many of the other convicted witches were pardoned by Governor William Philips.